Join us for an 8 hour course or refresher to improve your IFT skills. This course will cover, Vents, Pumps, Med Control and Communication.
Join us for this dynamic and scenario based program highlighting the importance of the assessment and physical exam in determining your patient treatment plan. Critical thinking in EMS is required about your scene, circumstance, patient presentation and condition in order to treat and transport your patient most appropriately. Looking to pick up PB shifts and feel more confident or new…
Does your department or agency need MOLST, 12 Lead Competency programs, Interfacility Transfer courses, Patient Restraint, a Protocol Update or Paramedic/Basic Interface? Check out our calendar of classes or contact us to schedule a tailored training for your department or agency.
Need continuing education that meets the National Registry requirements for recertification? Check out our calendar of classes or contact us to schedule a tailored training for your department or agency. Both Paramedic and EMT level education meeting the requirements for the National component of the recertification. Each course offered is a micro lecture with a dynamic practical approach leaving the…